Achieving Carbon Net Zero.
It can no longer be denied that businesses have a vital role to play in reducing carbon emissions, both at the office, helping their clients become greener and supporting green transport initiatives.
In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy to pass legislation that commits the country to net zero emissions by 2050. It’s OUR responsibility to do everything we can for the greater good of the planet and for future generations.
Doing Our Part:
Our specialist consultants are instrumental in supporting our clients with their preparation towards achieving net zero carbon, and can assist with…
✔️ Establishing the net zero carbon scope
✔️ Reducing construction/installation impacts where applicable
✔️ Reducing operational energy use
✔️ Increasing our renewable energy supply
✔️ Offsetting any remaining carbon where applicable
✔️ Installing and investing heavily in green initiatives for our clients helping them to reduce their carbon footprint
Our specialist consultants are instrumental in supporting our clients with their preparation towards achieving net zero carbon, and can assist with…
✔️ Establishing the net zero carbon scope
✔️ Reducing construction/installation impacts where applicable
✔️ Reducing operational energy use
✔️ Increasing our renewable energy supply
✔️ Offsetting any remaining carbon where applicable
✔️ Installing and investing heavily in green initiatives for our clients helping them to reduce their carbon footprint
Small Businesses and Net Zero.
Small businesses make up over 99% of UK businesses and provide 60% of private sector jobs. In short, the government has no hope of reaching net zero across the UK without helping small businesses get there too.
It is clear that we as a society need to do more to address our contribution to global warming, and businesses have a crucial role to play if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Many firms both large and small now prioritise sustainability and green choices in their their business models. With 80% of UK residents stating that they are either “fairly concerned” or “very concerned” about climate change, it’s easy to see why it’s in our best commercial interests to be mindful of our green credentials. Consumers are increasingly interested in products and services that are more sustainable: cutting our emissions is good for business.
The risk of targets that seem a long way in the future is that they do not incentivise immediate action, but the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been keen to stress the importance of immediate change: “lower greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 lead to a higher chance of keeping peak warming to 1.5°C”. In other words, businesses and government need to act now to play our part in making the required adjustments.
There are a range of ways of measuring carbon emissions and tracking the impact of your efforts to reduce them. Whether you are part of large and complex supply chains or an SME looking to start its net zero journey, collaboration will be key, and having a strategy and a timeline towards carbon neutrality in place now is vital.
Small businesses make up over 99% of UK businesses and provide 60% of private sector jobs. In short, the government has no hope of reaching net zero across the UK without helping small businesses get there too.
It is clear that we as a society need to do more to address our contribution to global warming, and businesses have a crucial role to play if we are to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Many firms both large and small now prioritise sustainability and green choices in their their business models. With 80% of UK residents stating that they are either “fairly concerned” or “very concerned” about climate change, it’s easy to see why it’s in our best commercial interests to be mindful of our green credentials. Consumers are increasingly interested in products and services that are more sustainable: cutting our emissions is good for business.
The risk of targets that seem a long way in the future is that they do not incentivise immediate action, but the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been keen to stress the importance of immediate change: “lower greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 lead to a higher chance of keeping peak warming to 1.5°C”. In other words, businesses and government need to act now to play our part in making the required adjustments.
There are a range of ways of measuring carbon emissions and tracking the impact of your efforts to reduce them. Whether you are part of large and complex supply chains or an SME looking to start its net zero journey, collaboration will be key, and having a strategy and a timeline towards carbon neutrality in place now is vital.