Our Solution

We provide a 365-day fully inclusive contract, with all statutory maintenance regimes to plant implemented, including gas-fired heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

Due to the large number of sites involved in this contract, we assigned dedicated account managers and technical support to assist whenever a store needs us. The number of Iceland stores under our supervision has risen dramatically since we originally gained this monumental contract back in 2009. The need for dedicated managers and motivated engineers is higher than ever!

Our team also worked closely with Iceland’s head office to maximise efficiencies of their investments to the estate during this time and will continue to do so. In our ongoing endeavours to deliver a transparent service, we always advise on the best practices regarding how Iceland can reduce overheads and plan for the future. Working closely with their technical manager, we’ve supported Iceland through thick and thin and have completed endless maintenance tasks for them.

The Result

Our mobile commercial building maintenance service with Iceland has been a real triumph for Mid-Tech Services.

Over the years, our engineers, account managers and technical advisors have helped solve an array of problems. As well as save Iceland a substantial amount of money and reduce energy consumption in the long run.

When required, our engineers have acted efficiently to repair any issues encountered in Iceland’s supermarkets. For instance, the installation of energy-saving gas-fired boilers, water heaters and air conditioning systems. With new technologies at the forefront of the HVAC industry, we won’t stop delivery engineering excellence until our clients are happy.

As a result of our hard work, we’re proud to call Iceland our longest-standing client. For over 12 years, we’ve worked side-by-side with them as their trusted commercial building maintenance contractors.

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Case Study Thumbnail Accredited to – Willy Barton  from www.shutterstock.com