Our Solution

Working directly with SPIE UK, we have undertaken a variety of maintenance services, ranging from large installs, minor repairs, and technical support.

A selection of services we have helped facilitate for SPIE over the last 13 years:

  • Coil and pipework replacement followed by insulation works to the newly installed air handling unit (AHU) and pipework.
  • Replacement AHU Coils.
  • Dehumidifier repairs, maintenance, and installations, along with new power adapters.
  • Substantial repairs on large Water Chillers including Technical Support.
  • New energy efficient Heat Pump Air Conditioning installations.
  • Commercial Boiler repairs located in the Tate Stores and Tate Britain Gallery.
  • Installation of air conditioning systems within all Server Rooms on all sites.
  • Specialist Technical Support for Turbocor Chillers.

The main purpose of our support is to help SPIE lower their clients running costs and improve their overall life cycle moving forward. Offering on demand support, helping them future proof, and installing/maintaining energy efficient equipment, thus improving their carbon footprint are all ways we have implemented this.

The Result

Over the years, our team has managed to work in a timely and effective manner to successfully support SPIE UK.

In order to protect the valuable artwork and keep the very high standards of public interface, our services required engineering prowess, experience, and a full understanding of the job at hand.

Speaking on behalf of Mid-Tech Services, Our Managing Director, Mike Dewey noted: “With the ongoing operations we are facilitating with SPIE UK, we are proud to acknowledge them becoming one of our most important clients to date. We greatly appreciate working with them and hope to continue this for many years to come!”

Mid-Tech Services Director, Aaron Thorne added: “Working closely with the SPIE UK Contract Managers, technicians, and engineers on each site has been very successful going forward regarding communication and prompt attendance when required. It’s a pleasure working with SPIE UK.”

Need help with your project?

Get in touch to speak to a member of our team.


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cc-by-sa/2.0 – © Tate Britain – London (artrabbit.com)