Energy Saving Blog


The future role of hydrogen in the HVAC sector and the race to Net Zero.

As a potential solution for the 2050 net zero target, hydrogen offers a viable option for our energy concerns. Discover the possibilities of hydrogen with HVAC installations.

In a world consisting of expanding populations and ambitious economic incentives, multiple countries also pledge to achieve net zero emissions over the coming decades.


Electrical Blog


How are LED lights sustainable, and why are they important?

Sustainable lighting is important in today’s fast-moving world. The question is, are LED lights environmentally friendly and will they make a difference to your business?

How we light up the places we work has a significant impact on our global environment. The type of bulbs, fixtures, power, and habits we have, can all add up and substantially alter the environment around us. The same can be said about our businesses and carbon footprints. Finding sustainable lighting for your work premises can have many benefits. The question is, how are LED lights sustainable and are they worth investing in? Here’s everything you need to know.