Energy Saving Blog


Chiller Maintenance Tips for Winter Operation.

Low temperatures and harsh winter conditions put your chillers and HVAC equipment under added pressure, particularly if they’re located outdoors as many large commercial chillers are.

With so many facilities entering their busiest time of the year, we’ve created some steps you can take to help keep your chillers and cooling equipment running efficiently so you can avoid downtime and keep your business operating smoothly through the winter!


Heating Blog


11 clever ways to save money on heating

How do you save money on heating bills? Discover eleven innovative ways to make your property or premises more energy-efficient and eco-friendly.

While heating remains essential to the comfort of our homes and the function of our working environments, finding ways to reduce our energy consumption is becoming an important issue for multiple reasons.


Heating Blog


Programmable thermostat benefits and tips

Uncover the key benefits of using a programmable thermostat and how to get more out of these innovative devices.

Programmable thermostats are a popular choice in homes across the nation, and for good reason too. Programmable thermostats offer a “set it and forget it” method for homeowners and come with a whole host of benefits.


Electrical Blog


How are LED lights sustainable, and why are they important?

Sustainable lighting is important in today’s fast-moving world. The question is, are LED lights environmentally friendly and will they make a difference to your business?

How we light up the places we work has a significant impact on our global environment. The type of bulbs, fixtures, power, and habits we have, can all add up and substantially alter the environment around us. The same can be said about our businesses and carbon footprints. Finding sustainable lighting for your work premises can have many benefits. The question is, how are LED lights sustainable and are they worth investing in? Here’s everything you need to know.


Industry News Blog


UVC air steriliser and Covid-19: why it matters in the workplace

Learn about the importance of UVC air disinfection and how it can help you combat airborne infections, such as COVID-19, in close contact environments.

Airborne contamination has always been a problem in society. However, as we find ourselves amid the Covid-19 pandemic, we’re becoming more aware of how easily viruses can be transmitted. In particular, when there’s a high density or turnover of people indoors.